All Classes and Interfaces

Base class for arbitrary-size sets that is very efficient (more efficient than HashSet) for 0 and 1 elements.
The possible states of this set.
ArrayMap<K extends @UnknownSignedness Object,V extends @UnknownSignedness Object>
A map backed by two arrays.
ArraySet<E extends @UnknownSignedness Object>
A set backed by an array.
Utilities for manipulating arrays.
Compare two arrays first by length (a shorter array is considered less), and if of equal length compare lexically (element-by-element).
Compare two arrays lexically (element-by-element).
Compare two arrays lexically (element-by-element).
Compare two arrays first by length (a shorter array is considered less), and if of equal length compare lexically (element-by-element).
Compare two arrays lexically (element-by-element).
Compare two arrays first by length (a shorter array is considered less), and if of equal length compare lexically (element-by-element).
Compare two arrays lexically (element-by-element).
Compare two arrays first by length (a shorter array is considered less), and if of equal length compare lexically (element-by-element).
Compare two arrays lexically (element-by-element).
Compare two arrays lexically (element-by-element).
Deterministic versions of java.lang.Class methods, which return arrays in sorted order.
Utility functions for Collections, ArrayList, Iterator, and Map.
Converts an Enumeration into an Iterator.
An iterator that only returns elements that match the given predicate.
Converts an Iterator into an Enumeration.
An Iterator that returns the elements in each of its argument Iterators, in turn.
An Iterator that returns first the elements returned by its first argument, then the elements returned by its second argument.
Returns an iterator just like its argument, except that the first and last elements are removed.
Represents a replacement of one range of a collection by another collection.
Given a set of collections, yield each combination that takes one element from each collection.
An interface for types that implement the DeepCopyable.deepCopy() method.
This is a deterministic version of the Object class.
Defines a static method DumpHeap.dumpHeap(java.lang.String) that dumps the heap to an .hprof file.
Class that reads records or "entries" from a file.
Descriptor for an entry (record, paragraph, etc.).
This class extends IOException by also reporting a file name and line number at which the exception occurred.
Utility methods that create and manipulate files, directories, streams, readers, and writers.
A FilenameFilter that accepts files whose name matches the given wildcard.
Just like FileWriter, but adds a FileWriterWithName.getFileName() method and overrides #toString() to give the file name.
Filter<T extends @Nullable Object>
use java.util.function.Predicate
Routines for doing approximate ('fuzzy') floating-point comparisons.
Graph utility methods.
IdentityArraySet<E extends @UnknownSignedness Object>
A set backed by an array.
An arbitrary-size set that is very efficient (more efficient than HashSet) for 0 and 1 elements.
Records all the immutable types in the JDK, and can be queried.
Utilities for interning objects.
Immutable pair class.
LimitedSizeIntSet stores up to some maximum number of unique values.
LimitedSizeLongSet stores up to some maximum number of unique values.
LimitedSizeSet<T extends @Nullable Object>
LimitedSizeSet stores up to some maximum number of unique values.
Mathematical utilities.
A set that is more efficient than HashSet for 0 and 1 elements.
Mutable pair class.
MultiRandSelector<T extends @Nullable Object>
Performs uniform random selection over an iterator, where the objects in the iterator may be partitioned so that the random selection chooses the same number from each group.
OrderedPairIterator<T extends @Nullable Object>
Given two sorted iterators, this class returns a new iterator that pairs equal elements of the inputs, according to the sort order or the given comparator.
Pair<T1 extends @Nullable Object,T2 extends @Nullable Object>
use MPair instead, or IPair for an immutable pair
Partitioner<ELEMENT extends @Nullable Object,CLASS extends @Nullable Object>
A Partitioner accepts Objects and assigns them to an equivalence class.
RandomSelector selects k elements uniformly at random from an arbitrary iterator, using O(k) space.
Utility methods for regular expressions, most notably for testing whether a string is a regular expression.
A checked version of PatternSyntaxException.
Utility functions that manipulate Strings: replacement; prefixing and indentation; splitting and joining; quoting and escaping; whitespace; comparisons; StringTokenizer; debugging variants of toString; diagnostic output; miscellaneous.
use Comparator.nullsFirst(Comparator.naturalOrder())
Orders Objects according to their toString() representation.
Utility methods relating to the JVM runtime system: sleep and garbage collection.
A comparator that orders values based on the lexicographic ordering of their toString().
An interface for objects that have a unique ID (unique identifier).
Provides a unique ID for classes that you cannot modify.
A wrapper around an IdentityHashMap that makes it unmodifiable.
Utility methods that do not belong elsewhere in the plume package: BitSet; hashing; ProcessBuilder; properties; Throwable.
WeakIdentityPair<V1 extends @NonNull Object,V2 extends @NonNull Object>
Immutable pair class with weakly-held values.