Package org.plumelib.util

package org.plumelib.util

Plume-lib HashMap Util: Utility libraries for Java HashMaps

Note that Plume Util defines other classes in the org.plumelib.util package.

Collections and iterators

The Hasher interface is an optional argument to a hash table (such as WeakHasherMap) that specifies the hashCode() and equals() methods.
WeakHashMap is a modified version of WeakHashMap, that adds a constructor that takes a Hasher argument.
WeakIdentityHashMap is a modified version of WeakHashMap, that uses System.identityHashCode() rather than the object's hash code.
  • Class
    Hasher is intended to work like Comparable: it is an optional argument to a hashing data structure (such as some implementations of HashSet, HashMap, or WeakHashMap) which specifies the hashCode() and equals() methods.
    This is a modified version of WeakHashMap from JDK 1.2.2, that adds a constructor that takes a Hasher argument.
    This class combines the features of WeakHashMap and IdentityHashMap.